Wednesday, July 22, 2015

During the past week I have investigated a couple of business opportunities and found that they both were not what they seemed. There are businesses out there that will sell you a product knowing full well that you cannot possibly be successful. One owner companies who tell themselves that it is okay to cheat people because the people believed in them and were dumb enough to trust and invest in their business. They rationalize that "I deserve to charge thousands for this business opportunity" and maybe so, but so often greed seem to overtake their sense of morality and ethics. Sorry that there are many companies like this out there, but there really are honest, ethical companies. I have found a few of them. One that I have great admiration and respect for is DoTerra. Their meetings that I have attended over the last few months have been exceptional. I have many friends in this company and it is so professional and awesome. I know employees who are very happy working for them. There are soooo many positive and good companies. Once you find one stay with it. Give it 3-5 years. Work at it. You can't expect to be an overnight success. It takes time. There is a learning curve and effort put into it. Any business take money, time, and effort. Just like anything in life. Please don't hop from one MLM to another. Find a good, honest, legitimate company and once you find it go to work. I have a friend that has invested in over 30 companies of the past 2 years. Sorry, but it is ridiculous!! I wish alllll the money he has thrown into all of those programs. Find someone who is successful in your business and knows how he/she became successful. Many of them do not know. Many are making money off training programs and not the product of the company...if that is the case you need to choose a different company where the product will sell without the opportunity attached to it. I am a member of a number of companies and have found my home for my own business and grateful for each one. I will be talking about each one soon here on my blog. If you have any questions go ahead and ask and I will do my best to support you in what is best for you. Thank you for being here and reading my posts! !!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Here is something just for you and even better it is FREE!!!!!

This is just for you!!!  Even if you already have a business, or if you have no business of your own and really don't want one, this if for you and it is FREE!!! 
What it does is:
  1. Saves You Money
  2. Provides You Another Source of Income
  3. Gives you FREE Things!!!
      • FREE Health Plan
      • FREE Grocery Coupons
      • FREE Websites
      • FREE Training and Support
      • FREE Discounts
 We help you by making this business and many of our services FREE To You!! We want to help you out so you can make money without a big investment. By doing so, you will use and share out new cool cutting edge, in demand products and services that people want and need right now. 
I want to help you find relief from your financial burdens and this is an awesome start to doing that. 
Go Now and Join for FREE!!!! Tell your friends and family members, or keep it a secret!!! It is up to you!!!!
Click this link to learn more and to Join Free!!!

First Post!

Well this should be interesting....

Yes that is Brad Pitt of to the right... That is another story... Ha! :)
My name is Angela and I am an entrepreneur. I have been one all of my adult life, although I have had plenty of people try to talk me out of it! The first M.L.M. I joined, I had a family member that married a relative of a prominent music family, and at an opportunity meeting, I was almost in tears being so excited to be in on of the performers down lines and fearful that I wouldn't get to sign up under him. Ha ha! My teenage heart still residing in my young adult body. Yes I was in, like on his 6th level, and our family and friends did what they said to do and we all joined, bought product, and then nothing happened! Aren't we supposed to all be rich now? I had a lot to learn and a lot of maturing to do before I would ever really grasp why it didn't "work". 

I love business! I LOVE business!  I was such a beginner then, and I have been a beginner many times since. Now I can write about business and whatever I feel is my blog, and a relief from FaceBook and some of the things that go on there. Relief!!! As I was saying, I love business and I hope that through my writing something might help you to be more successful. Knowledge isn't worth much if you aren't applying it. I hope I can relieve your pain in some small way...physical pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain, and of  financial pain. Hope you enjoy my writings.